Donald Overman
Honorary Chairman
Donald Overman, Chairman - Served as chairman of the Western Nebraska Regional Airport Board as both an appointed and elected member from 1996 until this death on September 16, 2019. Don Overman has held many professional and personal hats throughout his lifetime.
As Mayor of Scottsbluff for 21 years and a member of the city council for 26 years, Overman has held many offices on local, state, and national boards. These include Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of Cities and States for airline Service, President of the Nebraska Municipalities, President of the Nebraska Diplomats, chairman of both Twin Cities Development and the Scotts Bluff County Chamber of Commerce, and currently the Chairman of the Airport Authority of the County of Scotts Bluff.
All of Overman’s hard work and dedication to his personal and professional life earned him the award for “Citizen of the Century” during the 100th anniversary for the City of Scottsbluff; as well as the new terminal at Western Nebraska Regional Airport being named the Donald E. Overman Terminal.
Overman has also had an important role in keeping air service in the valley with over 19 years of lobbying with the Essential Air Service. From testifying before the House and Senate committees in Washington D.C. to attending national conferences over many states, Overman has truly been an influential part to where Western Nebraska Regional Airport stands today.